
University Research Committee
UB Research Project Cover Sheet
Cultural Influence of Colour’s Psychological Impact on Interior Design
Principal Investigator Name:
Zoran Markovic
Tel. and Email address :
(+267) 3-554-320
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Academic Rank:
Faculty / Research Centre:
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Academic Qualifications:
M Arch, Master in Architecture
(In areas of History of Architecture and Urban/Architectural Sociology)
Years at University of Botswana:
6 years +
Name of Co-Investigator
Department / Organization
Role in the Project
Dr. Olefile B. Molwane
Head of Department
UB - Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Department of Design & Technology
Sub-Team Leader for Research in Botswana
Dr. Chinandu Mwendapole
UB - Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Department of Design & Technology
Researcher in area of colour influence in design
Ms. Tatjana Pesic
Managing Director and Principal in area of Art and Art History
BIKALAND T/A Art Academy, Gaborone, Botswana
Researcher in area on History of Art
Ms. Marcia Sento
Architectural Repres-entative in Area of Interior Design
PLASCON, Barlow World (Free World) International, Botswana office
Researcher in area of colour appli-cation in design
Dr. (Cand) Arch. Slobodanka Radanovic
Managing Director and Principal in area of Architecture and Interior Design
RS Studio, Zrenjanin, Serbia
Sub-Team Leader for Research in Serbia
Prof. Dr. Smiljana Mirkov
Director (Dean) of the School
Visoka Tehnicka Skola Strukovnih Studija, Zrenjanin, Serbia
Researcher in area of sociology
Prof. Dr. Milorad Rancic
Deputy Director (Deputy Dean) of the School
Visoka Tehnicka Skola Strukovnih Studija, Zrenjanin, Serbia
Researcher in area of colours in interiors
Name of Co-Investigator
Department / Organization
Role in the Project
Prof. Dr. Walter H. Onyango
Director (Dean) of the School
University of Nairobi, School of Arts and Design, Kenya
Sub-Team Leader for Research in Kenya
Dr. Collins Makunda
Evelyn, College of Design, Nairobi, Kenya
Researcher in area of colours in interior
Ms. Karen Mutoka
Education coordinator
AGT – Academy of Graphic Technologies, Nairobi, Kenya
Researcher in area of colour influence
Nisha van Hoek
Marketing Manager
Crown-Berger International, Paint Manufacturer, Nairobi, Kenya
Researcher in area of colour appli-cation in design
Name of Co-Investigator
Department / Organization
Role in the Project
Prof. Dr. Ranjanadani
Head of Department
MAEER's MIT Institute of Design, Pune, India
Sub-Team Leader for Research in India
MD. PhD. Mahesh Jayachandra
Physiologist with specialty in Neuromeasurement
Brahmi Computing, Bangalore, India
Principal Resear-cher in area of Physiology
Prof. Dr. Carla Cipolla
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sub-Team Leader for Research, Brazil
Prof. Dr. David Boonazier
Head of Department
University of Technology Cape peninsula, Cape Town, South Africa
Sub-Team Leader for Research in South Africa
Name of Co-Investigator
Department / Organization
Role in the Project
Prof. Dr. Ravi Poovaiah
Head of Department
IIT - Indian Institute for Technology, IDC - Industrial Design Centre, Powai, Bombay (Mumbai), India
Co-ordinator for the Research Team in India
Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
Lomonosov University, Moscow, Russia
University of Tokyo, Nippon (Japan)
D-1. Psychological Impact - Research
D-1a. The First Phase - Experiments in Botswana, Kenya and Serbia
March-May 2012
D-1b. The First Phase - Making matrix, Analyzis, Comparason and Conclusion
July-August 2012
D-1c. The Second Phase - Experiments in South Africa, India and Brazil
Sept.-Dec. 2012
D-1d. The Second Phase - Making matrix, Analyzis, Comparason and Conclusion
Jan.-March 2013
D-1e. The Third Phase - Experiments in China, Russia and Japan
April-June 2013
D-1f. The Third Phase - Making matrix, Analyzis, Comparason and Conclusion
July-August 2013
D-2. Psychological Impact - Desemination
D-2a. Preparation to International Conference
May-October 2013
D-2b. International conference - The First Leg (in Zrenjanin, Serbia)
November 2013
D-2c. International conference - The Second Leg (in Gaborone, Botswana)
December 2013
D-3. Physiological Impact - Research
D-3a. Physiological experiments at India, Serbia and Botswana
Jan.-March 2014
D-3b. Making matrix, Analyzis, Comparason and Conclusion
May-June 2014
D-4. Physiological Impact - Desemination
D-4a. Results presentation (Conference, etc)
July-Sept. 2014
E. ABSTRACT (limit of 200 words):
Analysing all tools and techniques which designers have in interior design, colour has the biggest impact. That impact is sometimes even bigger then impacts of all others tools and techniques together (shape, form, dimension, balance, symmetry, scale, accent, focus, etc.). To follow that fact, and to use it in making better interior and more applicable for users and visitors, designers developed several colour systems. Theory of colours is relatively new science (just one or one-and-half century old). However, colours, their dimensions, combinations, mixtures, influence of the light, are well known. Last 20-30 years scientists are analysing psychological impact which different colours could make. Their cultural influence is known, but still not fully established. This research intends to be the breakthrough in this discipline and put the Research Team and all their Institutions on the map with basic/capital researches.
The main question is does, and if how strong is cultural influence on the impact which colours made in interior design. Research start with hypothesis that influence is strong, and colour impact is different in every of the cultural circles which we are analysing. When we are going in details, our hypothesis could be develop to prevail gamma in these areas – sandy/earthy prevailing colours in Botswana; strong and vibrant prevailing colours in Kenya; white and grey/light blue prevailing colours in Serbia; etc. Through experiments we will proof if our hypothesis is right or wrong. If it proof right, that will be great break through and interior designers, even paint manufacturers would use this results in everyday practice. Also, it will open new field in research regarding colour vs. cultural background. The results would be empiric and exact, showing psychological influence of the particular colours with cultural backgrounds, shown in numbers (percentage, etc.). Before started analysing cultural influence, we have to proof impact (if it is, and if, how strong it is) of colours on user/visitor to the particular interior design. And, as usually, answers on these main questions will come on the end. Only after finishing analyse of all collected data, we will be able to list and describe these impact and influences. During work on this project, we have to have in mind that we are going on less walk road, as this area of research still is not fully established.
The Research wants to find, describe, proof and present current situation regarding cultural influence on colour impact in interior design and to analyse psychological (personal) and sociological (group) impact. Planned experiments would proof or disproof preliminary research hypothesis and to redo known experiments, but with multi-cultural background. To find, proof, describe and present contemporary cultural influence on colour impact – from psychological to sociological, revisit and renew previous research in this area (Kaya/Epps research at University of Georgia, USA, etc.).
Interior Design, Psychology, Sociology, Coloristic, Design, Architecture, History of interiors, design and architecture.
Whole project is planned to be executed in few countries with different cultural background regarding colour preferences – Botswana, Serbia, Kenya, India, etc. The Team would be divided into sub-teams as per countries. Literature review would be done in each country and results would be exchanged via internet. The main field work (experiments) would also be executed in all countries. In all countries experiments would be conducted at local Universities. Final analyse of the findings and preparation of the conclusion would be done at all countries separately, when comparisons and final conclusions would be finalized at the meeting(s) of the all participants/representatives.
To maintain the similar target group, all sub-teams would work with volunteers/informants students. Students have to be approx. equal male and female, age between 20 to 30 years, and from technical or design schools. This will make similar experimenting group and lead to minimum influence of the other elements in final results. Comparing these results, the research team could be able to concentrate to cultural component in differences within matrix.
For this research we are planning to use Mixed method (combined Qualitative and Quantitative methods, both emerging and predetermined approaches, both open and closed-ended questions, and both quantitative and qualitative data and analysis). Research Sub-teams would collect both quantitative and qualitative data and use them for the best understanding of the research problem. The data collection would involve gathering both numeric information, as well as text information, so the final database will represent both qualitative and quantitative information. Number of the same type of emotional impact will go parallel with analysing particular type/colour, together with recording all details.
Project is planned to be executed in few countries and all sub-teams would follow the same procedure. Research would start with literature review and contacts with established researchers in this area. Research team is planning to use previous results from similar research as reference points, and to compare our results with previous ones. After being fully aware of potential problems, questions and answers, and well prepared, data collecting would start. Experiments would be split in two stages. Firstly, have to be establish (for each country/cultural circle separately) does cultural background have influence on the psychological impact which colours make on the humans (user/visitors in interior design). This is the most critical point of the whole project, as at this point research hypothesis has to be proved or disapproved. If this influence and impact are found strong enough to be measured and analysed, we would go forward. Dissemination of these results would be done on this stage. In the second stage emotional stress to body physiology (under influence of the different colours) would be measured. Here, emotional impact made by different colours will be analysed, not only by measuring the force of the impact, but also its quality and kind. The last stage would be computing results of the physiological impact, comparing them from the different sub-teams and finding conclusions. Then dissemination process for physiological imact would start.
Psychological experiment would be executed as interview with support of a questionnaire. Informants (students-volunteers) would answering questions regarding emotions awaked by different colours and colours combination. The colours samples and questions would be exactly the same for each sub-team, so results could be easily compared. Physiological experiments would be organized when the first step (Psychological interviews) is finished and results presented and scientifically approved.
We believe that this project could be experience for members of the team, especially for young researchers (postgraduate students), as we are walking through still not so well known soil. This kind of project is not so often under execution and it could be good training. Core part of the Team is made of experienced researchers, but they are mixed with young local staff/students. One of the most important benefits of this work would be dissemination of the research skills and training in practical research. All young members of the Team would pass through basic research training before commencement on site. They have to be well prepared for the field work, as for literature review or analysing collected data. We would like, and we will try to together with the end of the project, several young people would become ready to continue this work in other researches, similar projects or in some other areas.
During preparation period, several international organizations and conferences indicated their preliminary interest for the research findings (DDR, Cape Town, RSA; AIC, Washington, USA; NIDEC, Nairobi, Kenya, etc.). Already here are requests for workshops with presentation of the research results at University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana, and University of Nairobi, Kenya (already indicated interest). Also, there would be different workshops with industry and their clients (talks done with Plascon, Botswana; Barloworld/FreeWorls, South Africa and Crown-Berger, Kenya).
Industries are planned to participate in the research from the beginning. Findings of the research would be incorporated in real life products. Paint manufacturers companies strongly oriented to interior and exterior paint manufacturing are involved in the research. They are interested to apply research results in their colour palettes and schemes.
The Research team is planning to present results to several international conferences, but also to organize special conference within this topic. It would be organized as two part symposia - the first leg would be conducted in Zrenjanin, Serbia, and second at Gaborone, Botswana. Research results and findings will be published in international journals (e.g. AIC and/or Interior-Bergen), and prepared and published as separate publication (book) about research, preliminary hypothesis, experiments, results and conclusions.
Each research sub-team would organize budget for their works. The main sources could be university's/school's research funds. Sponsorship from industry, where possible, is highly welcome.